terça-feira, 28 de junho de 2011


He was born at January 19, 1809 and died at October 7, 1849.
Edgar wrote about mystery , macabre and ghost stories.


o   His wife bought sorts of birds, gold fish, a fine dog and a cat.
o   The cat was very large and beautiful. He was black all over and very intelligent.
o   Pluto was the cat’s name.
o   The husband, started to drink. Then he started to use bad words and hit his wife.
o   He hit all the animals, but never Pluto. One day he started to hit Pluto, because of the drink.
o   He was full of blame and to forget, he drank again. And did a horrible thing: took the cat’s eye out.
o   The cat didn’t love him anymore.
o   He hung the cat by his neck from a tree, and then it was dead.
o   One night, he woke up suddenly, his bed was on fire. The whole house was destroyed except the new white plaster.
o   On this wall, was a shape of a large cat, hanging by its neck.
o   He thought someone cut the dead cat from the tree, and threw it through the window.
o   He wanted to buy a new cat.
o   He found a cat just like Pluto. It liked him. The cat followed him at the new house.
o   He stayed with the cat, and very soon he became her wife’s favorite animal. But soon he hated it.
o   He was afraid of the animal. Because it reminded Pluto, but it had a white shape on its chest and just one eye.
o   The cat’s shape was changing.
o   It was like an object. A gallows.
o   The cat was bringing bad luck.
o   It brought him all his unhappiness and making him mad.
o   During an angry attack, he killed his wife.
o   The police went to his house.
o   The found his wife inside a wall with dried blood all over her head and the cat was standing on her dead body.
o   In the end, he was sent to the gallows.


sexta-feira, 17 de junho de 2011

"Why are you doing THAT?"

Sometimes we do act strange, don't we? For improving their learning in "Simple Present" x "Present Continuous", the group of Tuesdays/Thursdays afternoons have made a drama about a curious thing that happened to them. You can watch it right here down:

Teacher Charlotte!